It’s been awhile since I dragged some 120 film through one of my beloved plastic cameras. Too long in fact.
On our much-needed vacation to my old hometown of El Paso, Texas, I carried along my Diana and a few rolls of Kodak’s discontinued 400VC film. It’s an emulsion with a bit of extra color saturation and contrast punch built in, which I feel worked especially well with those wonderfully crappy plastic Holga and Diana lenses.
On the final stretch back home we stopped at Mike’s Camera on Colorado Boulevard in Denver for some quick processing and scanning. Oh to have a professional film lab in Casper again!
Here are some of the better frames, shot mostly in sad downtown El Paso (which breaks my heart with more and more decay each time I visit) and in an even sadder town called Vaughn in New Mexico. The rolls start off with a few shots of Casper shot a couple of days before my vacation started (I was having some trouble concentrating on work…).