This wedding was such a joy for many reasons, mostly because of the people involved. I couldn’t ask for better clients. Sweet people, clearly in love and surrounded by an… CONTINUE
P3200 and RAWK!
When I started ‘serious’ photography in high school (‘serious’ meant learning what camera settings do and finding your way around a darkroom…), the film manufacturers were in sort of an… CONTINUE
Instagram is about to be instagone….
It’s time for me to say goodbye to Instagram. The little photo-based social network that started out as cute and innocent has been turned cynical and ugly by its new… CONTINUE
The Rea-Sharp Wedding
I was given the opportunity to photograph a fun, breezy ceremony last week when Hannah Rea married Ken Sharp in the back yard of Hanna’s parents’ home in Casper. I… CONTINUE
Brent and Ashley Engagement Session
A couple of weeks back I went out to a couple of locations near downtown Casper to shoot photos of Brent and Ashley. Their wedding will be later this summer… CONTINUE
A graduation, with a twist…
A couple of weeks ago I traveled to Lusk with Casper Star-Tribune features editor Kristy Gray for a story on GED graduation at the Wyoming Women’s Center. There’s usually not… CONTINUE
They asked for ‘gritty’.
Ahhh. I can breathe! The all-consuming monster that is high school tournament season is finally over. I’m now in the process of decompressing, spending a bit of time with my… CONTINUE